Toradora Scene Appreciation

A few of my friends and I started rewatching Toradora on Netflix!

This is probably one my favorite shows of all time period. This post will have spoilers since I will be talking about some of my favorite scenes.

Taiga vs. Sumire Scene

Wow this scene had emotion. One thing I really appreciated is how they used the music during the entire fight + argument. During the fight, they used more of an uplifting and flowy(?) song, making the viewer root for Taiga a bit as at this point, we don’t know too much about Sumire’s side of the story. Then, they use silence to help the viewer decide who is right or wrong as the two plead their cases. As Sumire explains her internal dilemma further, they pull out the big guns, my favorite Toradora OST: Lost my pieces. Amazing scene and I could write a whole essay on it but someone has probably done it already on reddit or something.

Taiga vs Sumire Fight Scene

Ami vs Minori Argument

Aight time to move on to my personal favorite scene of the whole show; the Ami vs Minori argument. I want to write so much about this scene but to keep it quick i’ll make points without explaining:

  • Ami trying to pry Minori’s fake mask
  • Minori reacting to the other girl talking about how Taiga and Ryuuji should just get together
  • The boys + Taiga hearing all this tea being spilled without the girls knowing jeez
  • Ami starting beef with Minori because it’s the only way to get their relationships to progress
  • Ami bringing up Minori’s guilt for liking the same guy as Taiga (Ryuuji). Remember that in episode 16, Ami noticed Minori feeling slightly happy from learning that Taiga likes Kitamura instead of Ryuuji from the picture Taiga had of him in her wallet. That’s when Ami said to Minori, “Guilt all gone now?” and walked by like the badass she is.
  • Seeing Minori, the ball of sunshine, getting pissed off like hell

This argument happens in the middle of episode 21 by the way. I couldn’t find a clip on youtube.

The combination of this scene, the Taiga vs. Sumire fight, and the after credits scene of episode 21 truly set the tone and direction of what will be the final arc of the show (the last 4 episodes). Our group watch session stopped right before the final arc and we will continue this Sunday so I’m kind of excited.

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