One Piece Arc Review – Arlong Park

I’m finally here!


  • Definitely cried at the scene where Nami asking Luffy for help
  • I watched the anime equivalent episode and I thought it was a way better experience than the manga due to the music + Nami’s voice acting, so I cried again
  • Build up of Nami’s story and her stress about the dillema she’s having was very well done
  • Got me excited for more! I feel that when they started talking about how Nami wants to map the whole world, it reminded me how large this world is and I’d love to see more moments like this


  • I felt that 99% of the enjoyment of this arc was everything but the fights. There’s something about One Piece fights, we’ve seen so far, that don’t really grab me as much as other shounens. The build up was great, the gang gathering up to fight Arlong was sick af, but everything after that just felt like something the author was obligated to do just to end the arc. Like I don’t think i’ll look back to any fight so far in OP, but I think I’ll always go back to Luffy giving his hat to Nami. This doesn’t break the series for me because most of my appeal for getting into One Piece was always worldbuilding + story, so I’m kinda just speaking my mind here for the sake of it. Maybe this will change moving forward and I’ll look back to this and laugh.

Well, I have one more mini-arc until I finish the East Blue Saga! Just gotta keep pushing through.

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